In continuation…
I am glad and thankful to all of my viewers for their supports, encouragement and help which truly inspire me to continue with this article and influenced me towards cultivating a great society in this localization world. I welcome you all, once again.Values in life hold great importance from the point of personal, social, it’s respective developments and over its all remaining aspects. Values and ethics are inextricably tied together. Values are the motive power behind any purposeful action. Moral values are meant for making the quest to find out the higher self an easier and better way. Unfortunately, many of us may find it difficult to follow values in or translation industry likewise, you can compare with our lives such as truthfulness, honesty, forgiveness, because we have not perceived the subtle gains or fruitful results that come to us without following these values. Or, it may happen sometime that we fail to realize the importance of values in life. Ethics, on the other hand, guide us how we actually behave in difficult situations that test our moral fiber. Ethics are the code or principles on which one’s entire development depend. Values and Ethics are closely related; in fact it reciprocates to each other. Values are essential to ethics development at every age and can be instrumental to building a sustainable environment.
As we have already explained you before about how to determine the quality translation or how it is not determined by the happenstance or influences of either works of companies or by the influence of environment; it is not measured in material possessions or in the languages confusion; it is not dependent on personality or social acclaim. On the contrary, the intrinsic value of the lives we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character.
Here is the detailed explanation which clearly distinguishes the importance of values and ethics which needed to be properly followed by every personnel and translation services or industries to create a social build and frame a sustainable environment which should always serve quality services over the worldwide.
For Values:-
1. Translation and all of its different phases should be done under the knowledge of language experts, experienced, excellence and the dignified quality.
2. Every personnel should know and differentiate the translation and quality translation. Only quality translation is needed to be accepted and reproduced at everywhere.
3. During the process of localization, entire localization kit and all valuable instructions should be followed.
For Ethics:-
1. Every source document should be treated as important and confidential. Only valuable and important instructions are needed to be share with respective resources (linguists).
2. The each and every processes of localization should be done by the sworn translators, editors, proof readers, and reviewers. The document has been reviewed for accurate terms and, it should be linguistically correct.
3. During localization, it is required to provide the highest quality linguistic services by integrating the most innovative processes, technology, expertise, and efficiency for our client’s benefit.
4. Delivering of the document is not just gaining accounts but keeping them also satisfied, project after project, which counts.
5. Quality control procedures should be strictly followed and measured.
This final phase deals with an area not as salient as some of the others. Even it not deals with the necessity of compromises.Most of an individual's ethical development occurs towards their involvement in any organization. The localization organization, to a large extent, is mostly dealing with individuals whose value base has been established. If the values of every individuals and their ethics might implies to each other than organizations are as much as to bring it in ethical individuals with ethical decisions.
There are three qualities are involved which helps us to make ethical decisions. The first quality is the ability to recognize ethical issues and the reason to ethical consequences of decisions. The second ability is to have exposure about the order effects, one of the elements of strategic thinking, which is very important. The second quality is the ability to determine at alternative points of view, deciding what is right in a particular set of circumstances. This is similar to the ability to reframe. And the third quality is the ability to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty; making a decision on the best information available.
Establishing moral principles means determining the core values which should guide the organization. One of the famous people has suggests following the four considerations (i.e., PDCA): Plan, Direct, and Control & Act.
By plan, we can analysis the requirement of any project and plan it accordingly. The direct phase advice and instructs us to initiate, execute and move ahead of the projects accordingly. In control phase, we put our efforts over controlling the errors and then at last in act phase, we again do a quick survey or review throughout the starting to ending towards any project.
By achieving the above mentioned four paradigms i.e., planning, directing, controlling and then acting of any projects, it will help us to do provide an error free or quality based delivery to the end client.
-Arnab Bhattacharjee